Page 259 à 267 : Valérie Capdeville et Pierre Labrune - Introduction | Page 268 à 283 : Ariane Fennetaux - Party Animals: Animal Products in Portable Objects of Sociability in Eighteenth-Century Britain | Page 284 à 299 : Vanessa Alayrac-Fielding - “A short Recess from Talk and Tea”: The Sociable Geography of Snuff-Taking in Eighteenth-Century Britain | Page 300 à 316 : Mascha Hansen - Breakfast at Frogmore and Feathers in Portman Square: Women’s Property and Elite Sociability | Page 317 à 335 : Marie-Madeleine Martinet - Eighteenth-Century Visuality and Ambiguous Spaces of Sociability: Townscapes, Architecture and Entertainments | Page 336 à 352 : Sophie Mesplède - Pets in the Studio. Mediating Artistic Sociability in a Polite and Commercial Age | Page 353 à 372 : Kimberley Page-Jones et Véronique Léonard-Roques - Festive Spaces and Patriotic Sociabilities in the Letters of Rachel Charlotte Biggs and Helen Maria Williams | Page 373 à 376 : Compte rendu.